nature quote

nature quote

Monday, August 13, 2018

Sooo much rain....every bit of sun that peeks through is to be treasured....

Enjoy the day.....each moment that makes you smile...♥

Give goodness to the day and before you know it, the day will be giving goodness to you. ~Terri Guillemets

No road is paved with gold unless you make it your own treasure. ~Alvaro Velasco

Precisely the least, the softest, lightest, a lizard's rustling, a breath, a flash, a moment - a little makes the way of the best happiness. ~Frederich Nietzsche, Thus Spake Zarathustra

We are the captains of our own ships sailing the sea of life, but in times of a stormy weather, you will discover true friends when they don't hesitate to be a lighthouse. ~Dodinsky,

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